silver_eyes: I dis agree on turn and off option...
12-07-06 09:08
silver_eyes: In that case anyone think 1st before they attack, coz if he become aTtacker and he aTtack Specialy group by clan he will pulvurized,, now having clan and group hunting much advantage to avoid bullying...
12-07-06 09:05
silver_eyes: In short dreamer said if you become attacker .. All and any level can attack you.. If you on neutral mode only lvl by bracket can attack you, but once you attack neutral , you become attacke and all can attack you continuesly and rapidly...
12-07-06 09:00
clash: Who cares if you lose a potion. What's that. As for gold loss you could make an alternate chr to store you gold. Pvp would add excite and end the downward spiral this game is in. I know for a fact a lot of our former players quit because no pvp equals boredom. Give it a chance guys you may like it
12-07-06 08:26
clash: No pvp should not be on off if it was there would ensintially be no pvp because all you guys are used to being spoon fed and have your security blanket. This game was designed to be a pvp game and that's why we can't keep good players here. The game has became stagnant just kill mobs. No danger no excitement. My idea for pvp would be in regular area no wearing gear loss just a item in pack and 20 percent gold loss. Now if your brave and wanta attack someones castle or go to arena that's where you could lose a wearing item or all your gear if your clan doesn't do a rescue
12-07-06 08:23
pranjit: and pvp should be on/off optional ...
12-07-06 07:16