Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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deathgrin: s0rry for my 3 same mesage.., i used only cp n0w :D S0rry,.

tarzan this n0t a dota... this is a game base on level up pvp game

we have n0 ch0ices of channel s0 i agree on/off pvp but even if they in off they stil can be attacked by others., but less percentage of dr0p.,

then u clash n0t all the time,. you are right,. you are selfcentered ,. think for the other.,

on/off pvp is like a crystal sage facebook game
12-07-09 01:06
oenamaus: If pvp must be forced here are the things I think that could make it bareable

1 - Remove player location from online list
2 - Hide player stats.. Have on/off option for this
3 - Neutral players can only lose 5% of gold and as teeta said least valuable item will be lost only
4 - Neutral players can only be attacked 10 times in one 24 hour period not 10 by each player
5 - Some areas must be none pvp.. Just some I'm not saying all just somewhere to avoid it if you cannot be botherd with it
12-07-09 01:45
darkelf: i like that condition of oenamaus. pvp! pvp! lol. give pvp a chance that way items in mp wont get crappy prices. also it will motivate players to strive for better gear and of course it will add excitement into the game.
12-07-09 02:52
ryojo01: hmm... I think i LOVE the idea of choosing a CHANNEL before logging in to the game, were as:

- PvP OFF (except Arena)

- PvP ON (WITHOUT level restriction)
- with the risk of loosing ALL their gears (just like the bullies wanted)

I say let ALL the bully bullies each other to make them understand what it feels like to be helpless when your being bullied. -taunt-
12-07-09 04:01
ryojo01: SUPER LIKE!!! -rofl-

fr3nzy: This is called PVP in forums lol 12-07-07 22:47 Delete
12-07-09 05:03
deathgrin: n0 im n0t suggesting channel list,.. hahaha.., all i want is fair ., im just comparing to the other., wats good for the pvp on rpg,. i agree on/off pvp but even if they are off pvp they stil be attack by other but small percentage of dr0p rate,., and on pvp m0re than percentage and to the killer or attacker m0re m0re% dr0p rate,. ,.. if u want to attack player or revenge u must on first ur pvp,. off pvp/peace m0de dr0p rate will be 5% and on pvp/pk m0de dr0p rate will be 10% and attacker/killer dr0p rate 25%,... if they bec0me a killer on pvp, still on,. they can only turn off ther pvp until the time limit is d0ne :D
12-07-09 06:18
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