Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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1982chic: Its pretty simple to me let the ppl who want pvp fight each other and the ppl who don't have an options to turn it off. That way all players are happy. Which sounds better a person quitting because they can't bully other players or a person quitting because they were a target because someone bully then. The bottom line is some ppl have fun just hunting without the drama some ppl like to pk and get a thrill from someone else misery the off on option make it fun for all ppl.
12-07-08 17:12
deathlordxx6: I think the pvp off on options is needed. Unfair pvp has ruin others games forcing the weak to quit, whine, or cry. Fact some ppl prey on the weak. The idea of ppl getting your gear after you have been pkd sounds to familar reminds me of shade which was ruin by unfair pking. If a person chose pvp then that should eliminate the the whining and crying if they were pked.
12-07-08 16:50
tarzanx24: ON and OFF is not kind of choosing , beTter called it scaping., scape on risk on challenges.. Why game called Game? Coz game have risk , have trials and challenges,. You Think oenamaus playing a game with no risk and easy like finding big rock on sand is called game?? If game have no risk its not a game its a free trial program...
12-07-08 16:42
darkelf: this is getting ridiculous. do the pvp like in s2. thats where i started. just no inventory or gear drops. and only limit the attack to a certain player 3 times a day. that would limit bullys. to much complications makes the game dull and really a pain to
12-07-08 15:54
laimiausias: My PvP woking
12-07-08 14:50
oenamaus: And if you read my idea properly I said good zones and evil zones.. There would only need to be a few for each race.. Kinda like how castles are now but just for either good or evil players and no pvp inside them.. Quest zones would all stay pvp as mentioned in the attacker/neutral scenario and apretty much all areas would be pvp.. But players who don't feel ready for pvp would not have to be forced into it at any point.. I think you have an urge to hurt weak new members if you opose the choice system.. There is no other reson to opose it
12-07-08 14:21
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