dreamer: Themes added. Still working on it so please update with the feedback. Thank you!
12-08-08 16:00
boudica: Touch version seems to freeze up a lot in 4G.
12-08-09 07:10
boudica: In the bronze theme, there is a single white pixel below & to the left of the bottom text. I don't know if it's present in all the themes, I haven't checked.
12-08-09 09:22
phoenix_crusader: one problem : i cant use spell and pet or maybe i dont have any spell and pet .... let me know
12-08-09 16:50
pompyangtres: page refreshed only when i click different link. happens too often, good thing theres link to switch in mobile.
12-09-25 18:08
kir0: Idk how you guys but i can do everything on my touch phone.
13-02-18 19:49