General » 7DS
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kimsmart: G0T BARBARIAN'S CLAWS (1),, FOR UR P0TI0N,,:D,PM ME,
10-09-11 17:31
sl0th: Saw this wild bobcat a few days ago. Was freaking amazing!!! Was maybe 10 yards fr0m me. Got great pics. He chilled with me for 0ver a half hour. Thought he was g0nnna let me pet him lmao
10-09-13 14:33
ch0ps: amlet of endurance. ring a ding of wisdom. crown! contact the great and powerfull ch0ps. well Ch0ps anyways. lol come and get em.
10-09-13 18:57
ch0ps: thease are virgin items guys ready for crafting. oh also breast plate mail. and yes folks scale mail of dex. and a war staff ready to whack phillipine over the head with. lol
10-09-13 19:00
ch0ps: rok crystal sword! you can slice and dice and cut the shit outa ya fingers with this baby.
10-09-13 19:07
ch0ps: falcom mask and full helm. got a ugly date! heres the cure. take em away. trust me i used paper bag till it ripped one night. the horror! lol pm me play it safe
10-09-13 23:07
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