General » Spells ideas!
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revrendbrown: What about a minor healing spell? The druid should be able to cast at half the mana price.
10-07-26 23:45
suicide: Thats why you should only be able to recharge once before your mana and stamina has to recharge, would give you double the hunt time but would still have to rest, even make it so you could only use the spell every few hours so mana pots wouldnt matter for it
10-07-21 14:42
ezeroth: Good point tester i would have to agree with ya on that one it would make the game too easy and people wouldnt play like they do now
10-07-21 13:04
tester .: Na game based on stamina . Spell like that would make game short . People would burn them selves out on iit
10-07-21 08:41
suicide: But what would be cool is a stamina recharge spell, you would have to make mana recharge slower so you couldnt nonstop hunt but it would enable you to recharge once before resting
10-07-21 01:43
suicide: I was very drunk when i wrote that last 1, and now that i read it sober it seems really stupid lol
10-07-21 01:40
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