suicide: should have some evil and good spells, can only use 1 type depending on which path you choose
10-07-19 18:08
kestrel: Defence spells . Example : ice armor - coats casters armor in ice giving a higher ac for one battle . Armor of thorns - creates thorns on casters armor damaging attacker for one battle .
10-07-19 15:38
kestrel: How about for every level of wisdom past required level it adds plus on damage on spell ? Or have spells level up like our skills do each level gains damage or reduces casting cost
10-07-12 07:02
kestrel: Need more spells and have wisdom affect damage or have our spells level
10-07-12 04:24
kestrel: We need use of Spells in player vs player combat. A druid is not a physical fighter and should be able to use magic to defend from or attack other players
10-07-08 22:16
athan: How b0wt s0me pr0tective spellz 4 the druid? If they g0t atak and auto casted a wall of thorns. Plus 10 ac and half damage dealt bak 2 attacker. Bet they b happy. . .
10-07-08 08:28