1. Everyone that creates a chr agreed to the terms of service of BD.
2. Where some players choose to use glitches to their favor...it is cheating and AGAINST THE TERMS OF SERVICE.
3. The same players that choose to ignore the rules and whatever regardless, knowing that when caught will have their account banned/suspended...i have no sympathy for.
4. In the case of any players that been suspended and DREAMER decides to unsuspend means that violation of the terms of service did not occur and suggesting that players paid their way out or whatever the excuses you wish to name is completetly disrespectful to DREAMER and the players of BD.
5. All i can say is the accounts that have been banned have been banned within reason due to your actions.
6. What do you or any player that chooses to cheat getting out of the game??? COWARDLY
13-05-26 01:29

13-05-26 00:41

1.Some of these banned accounts had already been banned prior to the incident you’ve mentioned where xylene lost some gear. I had not banned all of them yet, as I was still collecting information and allowing each and every character to “hang themselves” separately. Reports were already made to dreamer PRIOR to that. Xylene (nor fr3nzy) made any complaints of any kind to me. Matter of fact, even though I’m sure xylene was pobably upset (I would have been), I saw him laughing about it. Laughter to hide the anger probably, but laughter nonetheless. The TRUTH of the matter is, the accounts that were banned were already being watched due to 7nostribe and lexine, and shankz's own behaviors being openly discussed by them in chat rooms across Black Dragon.
2.Next, I applaud you, lordajiee!! Even though you feel you’ve been banned unfairly in the past, you had the integrity to post in here and voice your opinions on cheaters! That deserves a medal, in my opinion! A lot of good points made in your post, and you’re not the only “friend of pinoys” to be disgusted by their “friends” behaviors.
3.I see some comments that say that shankz is not rank_ace. Perhaps not, but I stand beside my bans on any known rank_ace characters as well. Dreamer can sort the destruction and do suspensions as he see fits. This is his game, not mine. I simply have a moral obligation to report abuses in the game, which is what I have done….and will continue to do as long as Dreamer wishes.
4.Stop supporting cheaters! Stop supporting cheaters! Stop supporting cheaters! They ruin the competition and the fun for all of us who love this game. I will keep all of the collected evidence that I have for Dreamer’s use, as I’m sure the other mods involved will also keep doing THEIR jobs.
13-05-26 00:08

he was suspended because for using a mod char without dreamer's permission.
so how did he glitch?
the thing is haters gonna hate forever.!!
13-05-25 21:37