lothario: everybodys loses their gear on houses storage because some people knows how to access everyones storage. dont put any valuable thing in storage until this bug fix.
13-07-17 00:20
lothario: godkev: Sometimes, wen i store items, they dissaper. i never notice
casue its usually junk. but today, i
lost my ring of health (V) D: fix soon
please 13-03-14 06:50
13-07-17 00:29
lothario: xylene: i lost my jewel of armor (v) lol seems like keeper wanted to
boost his armor -_- jst to impress the
pot selling lady 13-05-14 15:13
13-07-17 00:31
lothario: forest_disa: Lol my brother lost a Rune that way. :/ 13-05-21 04:59
13-07-17 00:34
dark0flare: So,does this affect the keeper?Because,if so, im keeping my ultimate recovery ring with me...
13-07-17 00:35
lothario: char_aznable: i put my gear in noits gone lost c.h elven battle mage
robes and a night dragon dragon
eye ring 13-07-13 01:41
13-07-17 00:36