dark0flare: I have sent dreamer a message.Lets just wait and hope for a reply...
13-07-17 16:01
dark0flare: I hope when this is fixed dreamer gives us our stuff back.....Some of us lost REALLY good items.im just glad i didn't lose anything.....I'm gonna pm dreamer about this problem.this needs to be his top priority.
13-07-17 15:53
kitty: i lost my caos hydras armor i bought for 1,000,000!
13-07-17 15:06
arthurjasin: And I also lost my lich's ring after I unequipped it
13-07-17 12:30
lothario: honestly, i dont know if its also affects the keeper but somehow before houses update, i lose my war bonnet when i put all my worn gears on keeper to refill castles. when i get it all, my war bonnet is gone. some says maybe i bought a copied gear but i made that war bonnet myself.
13-07-17 00:41
lothario: rizalkiller: i lost my pit lord victor silk i guess the keeper just want my
armor to protect from xylene The Cat

13-07-16 15:13
13-07-17 00:38