General » complaints
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gothkid: And some of u ppl thought I was a bad mod...-rofl-dreamer never did tell me why I lost my tag but its all good becoz I onlylogd in to figure out what to do with my creds-this game is dying -yes-
14-04-22 20:39
amathea: I can understand why sliva got mad. and remember not every one who plays are boot lickers so ya he did get pretty irate. but then boudica was in wrong.
14-04-22 18:58
illusionz: Now, first of all, I was not there for the whole scene with mordred vs boudica... and just maybe the first ban was hard, but the rest were WELL DESERVED due to his filthy nasty potty mouth.

Moving right along, I (illusionz) had just gotten home, and logged on, and was making chit chat and hunting angels... I did not say I needed a ring, cuz I was hunting and had just crafted almighty archangel rings for a lvl 76 player (can't be almighty archangel/those are lvl 80), so I was collecting one more...just chattin'....

hellbells did say that she had plenty if I wanted one, and so as to not make it a trade, I said "nah, I just got the one I needed, but thanks". At that point you started nagging about why didn't hellsbells get banned. Sooooo, at that point I had to log my mod chr.....because you were moderating.....and the newbies needed to then be shown WHY I chose NOT to ban hells for that offer of assistance because at one time I banned about 10 of her chrs for those type of posts. And NOW when she messes up and I have to speak to her about it, she VOLUNTEERS, and insists that I go ahead and ban her.... She's trying to change her habits. (See, we DO give people chances).

Secondly, I never pretend to be 2 separate people....I just keep mod stuff separate from Illusionz stuff... Why, you ask??? Because if I don't amathea/deja_vu makes a point of telling me "shouldn't you be doing that with your mod chr?"... sooo... shut up already.

Sick and tired of the whole thing.
14-04-22 09:29
swtdrmzz: well boudica has done it again. banned a player for supposedly doing a trade iin chat. guy was making a joke. he said "got item turd on a stick. anyone got a stick?" bam he is banned. when he logged on another chr asked hellsbells what he diid wrong she goes on and on if you deserve a ban take it. being rude about it actually. boudica comes in chat saying guy was doing trade post. several of us stood up for the guy saying it was a joke.I mean c`mon there is no sticks in the game duh. boudica doesn't like the guy so wouldn't back down. hellsbells keeps going on about the guy should get suspended arguing with boudica. okk this gets even better. latter illusionz logs on doung her chat letting people know she's hunting angels for their rings. hellsbells says she's got one does she need it. I missed illusionz reply but soon people are joking about those 2 need to be ban for doing trade stuff in chat. boudica is watching. now ive seen people get week ban for this- both parties. bthis time hellsbells acts innocent saying she's giving it away. we explain people are banned by boudica for giving things away in general. illusionz logs on her cherokee rose chr does her act like illusionz and cherokee rose are 2 different people and says she's not banning hellsbells since she's been good in chat lately. ok what's that about? boudica bans guy for making a joke. and hellsbells goes on and on he should get suspended for standing up for himself. then hour later turns around doing this. plus boudica showing favoritism not banning illusionz and hellsbells for something countless other people have gotten week ban for.
dreamer most of your mods log on and play you rarely see them in chat. if someone does a real infraction they quietly pm them or do simple warning in chat and are just and fair to all. cherokee rose and boudica on other hand.. well, let's just say this isnt first time something like this has happened. lnow I realize both have done things for the game but then so has none mods. dreamer dont you think it's time for a change?.this mod situation needs your attention. and has needed your attention for sometime. maybe a voting poll as to which mods should go and why. anywat just a post here about the on going mod problems.
14-04-21 17:59
raditz: I kind of agree with a lot of what you just said, but at the same time if you took the time to read what dreamer wrote it actually states that the top 20 of each class will receive ruins that are unavailable anywhere else! These will be more than likely sellable for a decent amount of credits to other players so if the ruin itself isn't your thing, then at least the top 20 of each class will get some benefit from the promise made when it is deliverd as stated in the next few days!

Now that said I do agree with the bias mods been an issue and simply mods just doing an overall poor job, but dreamer doesn't have the time I'm guessing to sit and man the game and unfortunatly he sees the mods he has chosen as either trustworthy or has some reason to believe them or keep them in power anyway I'm really not sure what this is though.

As for updates I fully agree that the money this game makes that I personally would be trying to do everything I can to update as often as possible to keep atracting players! The fact the game has an average of over 100 players online at any given time is proof that updates are helping this game make more money as befor dreamer started updating and fixing spells and other bugs over a year ago there was max 25 online at any time!!

This isn't so much of a complaint as a plea to dreamer to actually put the effort in that this game deserves, I'm aware that these things take time but so does anything that makes you money and when I know players here have spent more than it would cost for a ps4 and the new skyrim online game it makes me wonder why? All this game has going is its cross platform and mobility, with the right amount of work and time put into it, there is no reason why there could not be a fully developed world with graphics similar to a GBA at least and would not slow down the performance by any ammount! Quests, dungeons, there is many other things could be added to make this game worth the money and its just a shame its never actually took effect yet befor dreamer starts his new project which again in turn makes me wonder how much bd will improve if heraldon is the money maker dreamer seems to think he has made
14-04-13 15:46
-3nigma-: Again unlike half the players im not going to sugar coat it so dreamers feelings arent hurt...players spend money for game and for updates that dont work and you just make excuses. Now all you update is heraldon. Hope players in here pay attention to how you handle matters in here cause thats what to expect there as well...PIPE DREAMS
14-04-13 03:24
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