-3nigma-: Well since im not allowed to comment on your dumb updates, i will here then. You stated at beginning of s2 that top 20 OF EACH CLASS GOT REWARDS, not the TOP 20 overall. You constantly go back on word. Plenty of updates that are incomplete/dont work properly but you dont care how players feel. I have seen alot of great players leave game because of this and previous problems. By all means though keep making excuses, player spends enough money in here and you bend over backwards for that 1 player even if it means losing 20 players in the process(players that also buy credits). Mods lately in game and they wont ban players because they are in same clan with them. This game along with some mods/dreamer are biased. By all means ban/suspend me for telling the truth because most players are too cowardly to tell the truth. Why spend money in here when you dont keep to your word? You want players to INVEST THEIR MONEY into heraldon and make you money but they get nothing from it...INVESTOR=SHAREHOLDER If you dont like my complaints...actually do something to make matters right such as updates that work/fix em rather than more updates that dont work properly
14-04-13 03:19
opszeye909: i just saw that the wall of shame is open isnt the mod that used it last supposed to close it?
14-04-12 04:22
cybot: Your pretty dense if ur just figuring it out xy
14-04-07 02:49
xylene: So cybot isnt a mod now?
14-04-06 08:21
cybot: Give u 3 gusses who banned u but u only need 1
14-04-02 01:40
swtdrmzz: obviously the mod who did it didn't see ALL of conversation blah
14-04-01 06:14