Strategy » Write Strategy Contest for Server #2 Entrance Key!
sidik_uchiha: A Paladin And Necro guide by sidik_uchiha
Im just can give guidance for paladin and necro b'coz i started with those char.

For paladin:
1. At lvl 1-20 build ur dex just place 8 for wisdom b'coz paladin spell just need a low wisdom
2. Lvl 20-more try to add more on dex and wisdom just up to 180 (when percentage reach 50% )
try to build strength as well with rune b'coz paladins weapon isnt big on damage.:x And dont forget endurance! Paladin dont have life leech lol...-paladin-
3. Try dont use spell chain lightning (master) b'coz its damage almost like inferno (100 : 80) but the cost of mana is (100 : 50)but use it if u want to pvp with some1. And the best spell to use is weakness-haste-inferno(pvp:weakness-haste-chain lightning(master) -wizard-
4. So i can say paladin need big dex as high as u can reach,wisdom just 180, a big strength(but dont abandon dex),and endurance min. 120 when u reach lvl 80 :D

Ok,then for necro! -vampire-
1. Lvl 1-10 build all for wisdom and u can learn all spells on the city
2. Lvl 10-25 balance ur dex and wisdom but more on wisdom if u wants to learn new spell -mage-
3. Lvl 25-more try to balance ur wisdom and dex,both high. Strength and endurance didnt need to be so high b'coz necro hv life leech and spell vigor -dwarf-
4. The best spell for monster is bloodlust-armageddon(master)-vigor and weakness-vigor-armageddon(master) for pvp :D
5. Please use frenzy mode at the first time

another guidance:
- Best place for lvling:
1. Lvl 1-20 :all places u like -rofl-
2. Lvl 20-30 :golem land
3. Lvl 30-50: estate
4. Lvl 50-60: hall of darkness
5. Lvl 60-65: no place, try hunt quest unit, lol... ;D
6. Lvl 65-80: hydra's pond
7. Lvl 80-more: no place,try kill super mob and use frenzy mode,lol... -rofl-

-use premium/diamond if u hv c and sell the item u dont want -king-

-please chat in general and talks with people with respect if want to get respect :D

Thats all,i want to says more but my finger is tired -rofl-

14-05-02 18:24
jokey: ¤Barbarian's guide
Barbarian is a class wich is best at melee attacks.It can also use offensive spells like Meteor shower asome offensive spells like but the biggest advantage of this class are its "singnature" spelss:Bloodlust and Frenzy.These 2 spells increase the user's damage for 1 battle.Bloodlust can be learned from the begining at Barbarians Fort and frenzy can be learned at lvl60 at Necropolis or Kreegan.Another advantage is the pets:Boar for any lvl,Gargoyle for lvl 40,Giant for lvl 60 and Cthulu(on s#2) at lvl 80,all of them can be found at Breeder Korgyn in Battle arena.Barbarians have less special wepons but strong ones like Club(any lvl),Spiked club(any lvl),Bardiche(lvl 20),Barbarians King's Mace(lvl 25),Great axe(lvl 30),Maul(Lvl 40),Giant axe(Lvl 45),Great maul(Lvl 50) and Bone crusher(Lvl 60) +some legendary items.Hope this helps.
14-05-02 18:28
jokey: Oh.Barbarians need to add dexterity till lvl 60 then continue by adding wisdom.
14-05-02 18:29
boar: Barbarian guide by Boar:
Best gear for barbarian lv 25
1. Weapon: The jadetando with (2x Diamond/amethys gem).
2. Helm: War Bonnet ( 2x Shapire).
3. Amulet: Marksman Amulet ( 2x diamond/amethys ).
4. Shield: Ghotic/tower shield of Damage (V) ( 2x shapire).
5. Armor: Yhe Centurion ( 2x Shapire).
6. Two Ring: Marksman ring (2x diamond/amethyis).
7. Boots: Lava Boots (2x shapire).

Note: stay close at lv 25, and attack any players at your current level. hopely its help.
14-05-02 18:44
shaman_king: for a assassin, look special skill for second hand..can use weapon...this class so same a amazon to damage...maybe damage assassin better damage amazon...if spell assassin can be the best class all plyer class assassin must look better for find weapon to crafter so good weapon...thx ^_^
14-05-02 18:48
ghostlykillerz: "" assasin guide by ghostlykillerz ""

Now it's about the new's a assasin should be? we don't know anything about this class I am guessing the as assasin should be stealthy then use your first 20 points in dexterity......if u do this,your dexterity will be far more than other players of lvl.20.......they won't be able to hit you......if there any dexterity raising spell,use that also......then divide your stat points in strength and dexterity half half.......this will be a good start,I think......what do you think?.........thanks for reading.... -v-
14-05-02 19:04
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