yourweak4me: GUIDE druid by yourweak4me, druid is a spell type, the better build up for druid is dexterity and wisdom, dexterity is allow you to attack and dodge the physical attack, and wisdom is for mana and damage for spell, if you fight in barbarian/ amazon use Weakness and Haste spell, cuz they not use spell damage ahaha and for spell type vs spell type always put some haste and damage spell, druid is have high wisdom when its high level, because all of his item is build with wis and dex, hopefully it will help you
14-05-03 01:45
retromarthmus: Retromarthmus' Druid stats
All your skill points should be allocated towards Dex - pure dex. You should be getting all hour wiz from gears - with a side of Endurence/ health. This is my tactic in it, others may have different ones but this is mine personally.
14-05-03 02:00
alexandra-chl0e: Do your best. Among others to get Top 1 in server#2, i can give you all a good strategy. "

ont waste your time in chatting". Be competitive. Be brave. And Thrust in yourself... And dont be scared.. 1st. Of all. Lvling.. Make some effort.
14-05-03 02:26
woodstock78: Paladin guide by Woodstock78.
Try to focus on Wisdom and Dexterity. Higher Dex to hit more and get less. Higher Wisdom to increase your mana and the effectiveness of your spells. Pets are great helper when your hunting as they lvl up they can help take down tougher monsters giving you better items and more exp. The Stone Worm is the strongest pet for the Paladin if you can afford it so hunt often sell old gear to earn gold. The best advice i can you is to do your best and have fun. Good luck everyone!!!
14-05-03 03:50
the_dheath: Guide paladin by dheath, paladin melee fighter with few magical power, also have balance stats, in leveling start in weak then if you not satisfied in exp that you get, upgrade your gear and try quest unit, build your stats to pure dexterity, why? Because some other attacker like barbarian, druid, necro have some build dexterity too, so if will fight you, you didnt missed it, dont worry about wisdom, in pvp spell put Weakness, haste, stoneskin if your low level, because paladin strongest spell is in high level, in gear put many amn and sol and you will be strongest hahaha, every class is strong, it depends on how you build it, either if you dont have credits just hunt many from mobs and get useful item,
14-05-03 04:25
-silancebug-: My strategy is always using jewels for play at s2.. Because s2 is like extream world. the players have to ready and make strong hero. jewels is for make sure can win in pvp war and killing strong mobs or quest mobs .. Thanks iam -silancebug- druid s1
14-05-03 06:09