chrisplode: Cost:Credit - Item retrieval system. Its a credit purchase that buys back a taken item from castle pvp or makes taking your equiped items impossible for 24 hours.
14-10-07 06:48
gmlsi: 1 player only can attack the same opponet max 5x/day
14-10-07 01:34
glaze: lol So Land wars! Every class against each other. Flags in monsters that only classes from different lands can get from a land that isn't theres. A new unit in the second city where you turn in the flags and get a small prize for each blue flag getting a red flag gets something bigger. You can't put up a portal when carrying a flag and players get notified each flag gotten from there land by notification.
14-08-23 06:23
-thais-: Sir dreamer change the 50seconds in battle in hardcore make 20seconds
14-08-21 16:29
-dheath-: weekly pvp tournament,
14-08-21 07:19
sidik_uchiha: And stats buying have to be more expensive,buying credits will not get stats too,change it with another bonus.
This stat will make players easier to kill his enemy with same level

it have to be kill
*note: only for s2
14-08-19 18:39