24-03-21 13:23
24-01-14 06:57
Also, please make it so guards in castles give 0 experience. And, make killing castle mobs same price it takes to refill them.
Bring back gold options at G1 and pvp. Blackmamba was incorrect when he said it wasn't necessary. You removed gold then raised price of pets, as example. Some people need gold to constantly refill the guards in their castle(s) because of players using their low levels to clear castles to harass people or clans.
O, and dreamer can you make it so gearless chrs can't post in chat or updates?
Since many of us are maxed out on skill points so big quests that give 1000 sp doesn't matter, how about when maxed out each skill point = x amount of honor.
24-01-08 18:31
2)i think in gaia#1 it safe to make vault available again between main char and alt char.Good use to transfer item from alt to main only. Most alt that created during gpvp cant transfer it item to main char because no trade system (g1).But you have better judge,that just my opinion only.
3)add "reset character " option in credit section but maintain sp total point (g1) .or "reset sp" point so can reallocate sp back. Good for strategy in gpvp or (g1) .
4)BD game are solo/single rpg like, so would be nice that pet can heal it master at low hp(good for f2p and p2w) . If pet cant use spell during battle, why not make pet heal it master when low hp. And of course pet use mana or maybe this ability only apply on 3rd turn during battle.
*my idea was focusing on free to play player, to give them a chance to play as compete with p2w.This idea can be use on gpvp too to help f2p compete with spender player. But you have better judge, this just my idea and opion only. Long live BD.
24-01-08 02:44