Suggestion Box For Gaia #1
Leave your feedback!
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swallowtail: a hunting event in aurora (since anta isnt for everyone)
Unit can spawn randomly in aurora maps
24-01-05 00:24
denyutjantung: upgrade charm to lX or X lots of players rely on str set ms and str gear thats because str dex wis on charm is 200% while the dmg on charm still 100%
we need a charm that higher dmg to make this g1 gear set experimentable like 300% dmg and 100% and all attributes str dex wis or upgrade the charm to lX to have more dmg.
everything is readable on built here so we need to make things balance and not all the player rely on str exclusive make some exclusive high dmg but because the charm cap of dmg is low some of them never used by players
24-01-05 01:25
dragneel-: give back trading feature
24-01-05 03:21
-dothraki-: I've noticed that due to castle occupation and castle guards there have been a slight scarcity of golds. So, I would like to recommend a gold drop buff percentage (can also be obtained thru clan jobs) for castle owners as to compensate with their expenditure in occupying a castle. This will surely, make castling more interesting.

That's all for now. Will edit this when another ideas come up.
24-01-05 09:59
badbozzzz: Few things below:
Please adjust the drop rate, I feel like I'm always getting things long after I need them. I usually farm mobs above my level and still end up with situations where I'm getting lvl 40 stuff I'd have liked to use at lvl things come by far too late.

Would be nice to try and work on gear I wanna use late game as I go from the start not after I need them... Especially with how many recipes require other recipes with recipes of recipes..... I could go on...

Further to that, getting 11+ piece#3 of an item is frustrating... Could you add some variability? Had nearly 20pages of pieces and majority of them were the same thing, could hardly craft anything and seldom found the missing pieces in mp...

For example I'd only finish building my char level sets with titles, etc, usually after leveling out of it and no longer needing it... Bit of a frustrating process...especially when you lower the gear level requirements.

On another note, ace mobs that don't have titles should drop something better. Maybe a recipe or pieces or a present or something. Pretty upsetting some of the drops I had from those mobs.

Please don't limit us from farming. I understand no more exp at 5000/2000 wins or whatever but atleast allow us to continue getting drops. Sucks trying to gain levels and farm low level mob titles...

Otherwise, thanks for a great game. Very much enjoy playing it, can't wait for next server.
24-01-05 10:25
bandit-ban: add magic scroll deconstruct
24-01-05 10:27
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