But, in fact that boots is not the best, because Druid need wisdom, so companion wisdom,dawntread and tread of justice still have better wisdom.
Change the wisdom status from Worldshaker to 500 😀.
Also please add wisdom to weapon assasin Touch of the sun and Fourth soul, how can Fourth wind lv 120 give 200 wisdom, but when it upgrade to Fourth Soul the wisdom become +0 🤣
25-02-05 07:01
25-02-05 06:56
But the stats isnt even better than regular boots
25-02-05 06:34
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +250
- Dexterity: +250
- Endurance: +250
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +250
25-02-05 05:11
An exclusive Level 80 Legendary boots (Level 100 in Gaia #1).
- Strength: +125
- Dexterity: +125
- Endurance: +125
- Wisdom: +250
- Damage: +250-500
- Armor: +500
- Stamina: +125
Double stat it maybe?
Str 250
Dex 250
Endu 250
Wis 500
25-02-05 02:48