Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
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-seeker-: I dont know what to say i just follow ur idea dreamer and i like s2 round :)
15-03-24 16:34
beastytee: Im not really experienced at playing paladin so i can only give input about assassin

Firstly , please consider making a small class bonus for them say ( 25%dexterity and endurance ?) But only when dual wielding

Secondly assassins dont have a level 70 dual wield weapon please consider making the "shadow assassin blade dual wield"

Secondly , Assassins needs another magic attack i suggest inferno and titan's lightning bolt maybe? Or maybe even a completely new (buff) spell for the class we could call it "Assassination" ;D triggers your critial hit chance by 60%

And finally assassins needs a higher start of endurance because we're literally out matched by all other classes at the begining of s2, increase it to say, 120-130?

Now for s2 exclusive items :)

Maybe you could add tokens into the game " tokens gives the players (pets) and attribute increase for say 1 or 2 hours by 20-25%) players may only put 3 tokens on at a time ( tokens gives pets a 5% exp increase for that time) so the max is 15% exp increase

Thank you :)
15-03-24 15:52
loir: Makarovs ides is great. Making assassin's invisible til they attack something would be awesome.

How about introducing buff spells to all classes. These would opperate constantly while the player had them selected as active. They would have a 8 min cool down and a 5 min active period generally but some vary slightly.

The buffs would go towards making the game more fun. Only 2 could be active at any one time. I'm gonna do 3 for each class but maybe make up to 10 over time for each class.

The player would have a little symbol next to health and mana to show them what buffs are active.

Assassin's, I'll start here because they are having problems.

Focus Training: A spell that makes your -50% health crit bonus come into play even when your health is full.

Shadow Strike: Hoping makarovs idea of making assassin's invisable until the attack something is made then this would be the next of the buffs to choose. When an assassin attacks a player or enemy the first strike receives a 100% crit bonus. This extra damage will be added to any other crit boosts that already take effect.

Smoke bomb: when a assassin is attacked by a mob or player the assassin will drop a smoke bomb cancelling the attack and giving the player 8 seconds to run. Player has 2 smoke bombs per 8 min cool down.

Paladins, next class to be having problems so let's beef them up.

Holy Light: A heal buff that restores 10% of their max health every 4 seconds for the 5 mins.

Grand armor: a buff that has a 65% chance to absorb 90% of any damage taken from a spell or attack and can happen multiple Times in each battle of you are lucky/unlucky.

Divine light: One that gives them a holy light making them UN attackable for 1 min. Would still have an 8 min cool down.

Other classes if you're interested just some ideas.


Multi-cast: would give a druid a 60% chance to recast a spell twice in every round.

Focus energy: druids will get a 300% critical bonus to spell damage in the final round.

Flicker: makes the druid hard to hit with physical attacks. Gives a 40% dex boost.


Blind Rage: Chance to boost damage by 100% but only 15% of the time while the buff is active.

Counter: when the barb is attacked by a player it will automatically counter gaining one extra strike on the attacker.

Hide: a barb knows it's surroundings well. It uses its skill to hide so it's invisable to other players while the buff is active until it attacks something. The barb will become hidden again when on a screen with no players for 3 seconds. It still only has a 5 min active period and a 8 min cool down also. (Assassin's can do this for free since they are a premium class)


Undead: if a necro is killed in PvP or PvE it will respawn on that spot with +1000 max mana and health which will last 30 seconds. The cool down for the skill is 8 mins. When the skill is active the effect will only happen once per cool down. It will take effect once anytime in that 8 mins.

Soul leech: when a necro kills mob or player it will absorb 50% of the targets max heath.

Undead army: necros have many undead at their disposal. With this buff active the necro has a chance of and unread monsters near by defending the necro. Basicly the necro has a chance to take no spell or attack damage 35% of the time when this buff is active.


Bullseye: Amazon's first shot acuraccy goes up to 100% for the duration of the buff. When using a bow the first attack will hit 100% of the time regardless of dex.

Fast Arrows: When attacked first an Amazon using this buff will fire back an unavoidable arrow. Basicly like a barbs counter but with 100% shot hit accuracy.

Paralising shot: when this buff is active the Amazon's arrow has a 10% chance to paralise a monster and make it miss its next turn.

I've tried not to overpower any one class. All classes would gain huge boosts this way. It would give them all different playing styles also.

Death angels would be allowed to use any class buffs they want but can't have active cross class buffs. They can chose to use say a druids passive ability and a barbs buff spells. This allows more variation and again makes death Angel more desirable.

Diablo on the other had would be able to have any 2 cross class buffs active at any time.
15-03-24 12:37
retromarthmus: Make the frnzy and energy (And membership?) ;), make their time not "24 real world hours" instead 24 - or less, game hours. So people can take breaks. :) also merchant mode should increase gold recieved
15-03-24 07:29
makarov: i suggest for an assasin update. make them invisible on the map unless they attack a monster or a player, in that way, they can be an ambush-type player, hence, an assasin.
15-03-24 07:23
medieval: make too transfer S2 credit to S1 credit with a ratio 1 : 2
15-03-24 03:45
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