Level 62 Druid

Seen 1803 days ago @ Gaia #1
 ⚔ Filii Draco™ ⚔ 

I've made an oath - to my sensei (-SuperCell-) that I would challenge and defeat the Black Dragon. Returning to this community everything they have given to me. The title of Diablo will be bestowed upon me one day - I feel it is destined. If it is, or isn't can't be determined - but if not then destiny will be rewrote. Many great players on here exist to help the younger players such as I.. the best we can do to return their favors is respect and to help make this game flourish and they believe it will. We are young and weak now - but with power you put blood, sweat, and tears.. occasionally a few dollars but it aint much lol.. anyways. I am DemonicSpawn, A.K.A Divinus. Feel free to message me or send a trade. :)
» Pets
Quests:   7
Units Killed:   2,855
PvP Wins:   0
PvP Losses:   0
Tasks:   0
Country: United States
Last login: 2020-04-12 09:39
Registration: 2017-06-02 07:39