Ideas » Changing our lame pvp system
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vafunculo: What makes what you want more important than what others want teeta? Lots want pvp, they just don't want to lose gear like terror said. The thing is everyone I'd afraid to die and lose gear but what they don't realize is it's not so easy to kill another player, this game started as pvp and another player being killed was verynever should have been changed
11-03-24 01:17
teeta: Oh good grief!!! Why don't you add a diaper option, so they won't soil the landscape here in BD? Why does it have to get more complicated?! Servers 2 & 3 are both PvP. Why not leave it at that?
11-03-24 00:35
idiot_terror: They love pvp but don't want to lose any gear. It's different :)
11-03-24 00:17
teeta: Idiot... um, I hesitate to point it out to you... BUT! The people who do & do not want to play BD in PvP mode are already separated...

There are PvP only servers... completely separate...

And there is a PvP button in every player's settings menu...

What more separation do we need? ;D
11-03-23 23:02
idiot_terror: Lol I forgot to say, I already had a new idea on how to separate those who want pvp and not. I'll write it here it soon, Im still thnkin on how to explain it. -v-
11-03-23 05:31
idiot_terror: Well... ;D
11-03-23 05:19
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