Ideas » another pvp idea
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vafunculo: again I will say this...server was originally pvp, we had non pvp forced on us, so stop saying people are trying to force pvp on its boring now and hardly any players left
11-04-10 14:16
venum: Again arguing over pvp. The 1s who want pvp say they wont go to server 2 or 3 because hardly no1 plays those servers. Stop an think why e1 on server 1. THEY DONT WANT PVP. So yes making server 1 pvp for the few who want it is forcing pvp on the majority that dont want it
11-04-10 18:09
sepsis: Vaf - That is not true. PvP is available on this server. You want to impose non-consensual PvP on everyone. You don't want to go to the other servers because you don't want your big ol carcass stripped of gear like a Thanksgiving turkey and you don't want that big ol character of yours wiped out and have to start all over again. Awww... No guts - no glory big guy! :)
11-04-10 21:16
smash: lol u just had to say something didnt u sepsis.....
11-04-11 00:47
mallows: well this is my idea let dreamer decide for it u dont have the right to speak like a big boss in here :)
11-04-11 01:22
tok3r: Think of the lvl gap people. Vaf isnt going to be slaying any lvl 60 or lower players anytime soon.
11-04-11 01:24
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