fugazi: I wish there was a Dr Frankenstein or some crossbreeder in a city that you could go to and combine your pets. You could make a unicornifant or a wolf dragon. That would be fantastic.
12-06-24 00:57
kelly: I wish there was an item called pajamas that was plus 200 health and plus 100 stamina that you could equip before you log off.
12-06-24 00:49
hanzel619: add: CREDITS HISTORY, where you will be able to see your past purchases and past gains of credits.
12-06-23 18:59
puji: fix fortumo system please

... i cannt buy credit again
12-06-23 18:03
darkelf: class upgrade when you reach level 100. you have the option to upgrade your class for example barbarian » warlord, paladin » knight and druid » elemental. with a new set of spells to use.
12-06-23 18:02