tarzanx24: All i want to say is be smart ! If pvp was there

it is not battle between weak and strong char.. Its also battle of brain, strategy and tactics... Why many can survive on s2 while theres an hardcore pvp there?? Coz they not only dpend on the char stat and gear they used brain to survive
12-07-08 01:20
teeta: Ah, I see you need sheep in your slaughter house. How kind of you to be willing to give up the gold in favor of still getting the PK. Nice.
12-07-08 01:19
tarzanx24: Teeta if you are smart why you hold such a big gold if you know theres a gold drop if being pk haha keep your gold on other char or we suggest on dreamer make a NPC gold keeper no limit amouot can keep
12-07-08 01:16
tarzanx24: Teeta haha your so sensitive on word afraid coz its hurt you hahaha, , coz i dont what is right term or called on player dont want pvp! Haha so i used word 'afraid"
12-07-08 01:14
tarzanx24: Its very simple guys if here if iam become attacker i cant attack you but you can attack me! .. Unless you was on my bracket lvl 90-99...
12-07-08 01:10
teeta: tarzan, who said that anybody is afraid? You are being silly & insulting. Most people don't want PVP because of the inconvenience of being torn out of a hunt suddenly, without warning & dumped back in their home town, with 20% less gold than before they are PKed. You do the math. If a PKer attacks you 10 times in one day, how much gold will you have left after the 10th attack? If you started out with 10 million gold, you will be left with 1,073,741 gold. Nice huh? And think of all the stamina lost walking back to your chosen hunting ground. In other words, the PKer will prevent you from hunting & take almost 90% of your gold if they manage to attack you all 10 times that they are allowed. That is a vendetta, meant to keep the neutral player from playing the game if the PKer decides he wants to stop that player from playing.
12-07-08 01:04