Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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clash: Ok tarzan I understand now and that is not a bad idea. Attacker cast spell then nuetral cast spell the attacker hits and nuetral hits. That's actually a very good idea and I hope dreamer implements it
12-07-07 18:08
tarzanx24: And here dreamer if someone become aTtacker They wont go inside any city and Use portal in 1hr ...
12-07-07 13:36
krixus: Agree with hide stats.. But still can't understand how having an on/off option could do more harm that forcing pvp on players that don't want pvp.. The game has pvp now in arenas an is forced there so players have no choice but to have pvp if they choose to go there.. A lot of players don't use arenas because of this and if you make all bd the same then where do they go.. To another game where its not forced on them.. If everybody just turns pvp off as you say then that only means more players don't like pvp or doesn't want pvp an surely dreamer has to listen to the majority not the few 'cry baby' old folk who played this when it was full pvp.. I'm not being funny but all things advance in life.. That's how I can talk to you over the internet and not by carrier pigeon.. tarzans idea of spells first then attacks evens out pvp.. The very fact you started crying about barbs being overpowerd shows what kind of player you are.. Bullying looses players also.. If somone only has an hour to play a game each day and he has to be picked on 10 times per char that his bullys have made (and let's face it a lvl60 char can be made in 1 day) then he will get sick.. Its not possible to just say you can only fight that person 10 times so he won't be bullyed.. I could make 5 chars in one day trade gear around when needed an beat a guy 50 times til he's that sick he will leave.. Bottem line pvp needs to be made an optional thing.. Those who want to take part can and those who don't want to take part won't.. Everyone except the bully players will be happy and well bullys don't deserve to be
12-07-07 12:04
tarzanx24: And also add option that you can agree or not To see by other your sTat, like open or hide sTatus option!
12-07-07 11:20
tarzanx24: And also i suggest hide to others d player status , wearing gear and use jewel only char owner can see his profile status coz bullying always happen if any or someone knows that some other sTatus are weak than them.. I mean if me for example i know he is weaker Than me by seing his gear and sTat, im confidence That i will aTtack him if i saw him no doubt, but if i dont know what his sTatus ang gear wearing . . ITs a big qUestion for me if im aTtack him or noT! In That case all player have suprises on whaT happen if you pVp ,, Thats fun, , and heres more , maybe you bullied someone for now but soon you dont know he Upgare .. YoU sUprised again. . ThaTs so fun exiting and fair Dreamer.. This game become full of suprise always expect the UnexpecTed happen on pVp
12-07-07 11:18
tarzanx24: I know you think clash if aTtacker cast frenzy/bloodlust it damage then reciever/neutral casT dispell no damage then aTtacker hiT damage again neutral hiT damage hahaha NO clash, heres Happen ATtacker cast frenzy Of courz like always happen it wont damge coz you casted iT only , heres happen : aTtacker cast frenzy (10%) Neutral cast dispel , Then aTtacker hit (in This hiT The frenzy damage appear) Then neutral hit ... Wheew i hope yoU UndersTand now
12-07-07 11:01
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