Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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clash: Wow f3ar you just want to be able to win every battle. Wow some of this amazes me. You want to see your attacker and how he attacks you so you can set ur spells to counter. That is just ridiculas
12-07-07 09:40
clash: Tarzan idea favors the barbarian. Think about it bloodlust attack attack. Physical attacks with bloodlust or frenzy that favors us barbs 100 percent. Especially since a druids power is spells just give them +ne shot huhhh lmao it ridiculas and should not be implimented
12-07-07 09:36
kleenor: how ab0ut if only attacker will loss gears, and the neutral will only loss invent0ry items.
12-07-07 07:17
kleenor: just make it on/off.. if the result is nice, then make it permanent.. if n0t, just do what u want admin..
12-07-07 07:04
krixus: I like fears idea a lot.. Would defo agree with full pvp if those ajustments wer made so people could ajust spells or port.. I also like tarzans old idea of making battles follow spell spell attack attack.. Would really fix things
12-07-06 19:54
tarzanx24: I know many think that strong and high level can pvp low level and weak , no! High level can pvp only on aTtacker and on their level bracket
12-07-06 19:34
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