Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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tarzanx24: Heres my explanation why need to change the set up in pvp rounds... In pvp now the attacker 1st cast spell heres happen attacker cast frenz or bloodlust Then frenzy/bloodlust hit and damage... While The reciever/neutral player cast dispel To counter frenzy/bloodlust Then hit damage,, my point is reciever/neutral cast dispel become nothing coz the aTtacker already hit you with frenzy/bloodlust power,, always aTtacker have the advantage coz he was the 1st spell casTer meanz you cant counter his 1st spell,, Thats why i suggesT change the set Up per round on pvp ioto : aTtacker cast spell, neutral/reciever cast spell then aTtacker hit, neutral/reciever hiT ... In That case spell and counter spell work! ! What is The advantage you said clash on thaT? All become fair on casTing spell
12-07-07 10:53
tarzanx24: Why clash said spell spell hit hit was favor on barb? Explain clash?? Otherwise you have small mind To think abouT it -angry-
12-07-07 10:30
clash: Ok I'm done ranting now. It just makes me so mad that a few nasayers want to ruin iyt for everyone. I worked hard for what I got. And spent a lot of time and money. It frustrats me to have people say just take that away and that away. Later guys have fun
12-07-07 10:02
clash: Why did I play server 2 to win gear and spend my money on recipes to get good gear juat to have elemental protection takin away? Why even be a barbarian if bloodlust and frenzy is to be weakened. Why spend my money on jewels to have them not mean anything in pvp. Why even lvl to wear better gear just to have it negated because all you against pvp is asking for that. It is silly. So my time leveling this barb means nothing. My money spent on gear and jewels mean nothing. I ask you this where will this game be if these are implimented. I won't buy jewels anymore they won't mean nothing I won't buy anymore recipe to better my gear they would mean nothing. I tell game income would fall to 000
12-07-07 09:58
clash: To everyone who says pvp is being forced on them I say this. This game was designed to be a pvp mmorpg game and was for awhile. The all you security blanket players dropped your pacifier and cried to dreamer. He then put in the option pvp on off every body kept it off so what happens half the game leaves. Then he put pvp back in game and game flourishhed again. The the blanket babies acted up again and pvp was gone again. Now look at the shape this game is in barely 30 people online. Pvp is what this game is based on. So no pvp is not being forced on you. No pvp was forced on us. So put your pacifier down. Put your security blanket in the closet and have fun. Give it a chance you may even like it
12-07-07 09:49
clash: And as for the being able to port I say no. Everyone would just port away. A 3 or 4 min timer should be put in to prevent ports once battle starts.
12-07-07 09:41
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