silver_eyes: Close player stat and item option of other player... Means you cant see other player stat and Item wearing... Put an option if you agree or not to see by other your gear... In this game all are suprise and think first before attack . . And closed boost option of other .. In that case you can't see what jewel use of player .. This game will full of suprises and fun... All player thnk 1st before do some action
12-07-06 09:29
silver_eyes: Nothng change just close or being secret your stat to other coz if other saw that your Stat are weak they bulied you.. . .
12-07-06 09:38
idiot_terror: I'll vote if a new rule will put-in lol.
Attacker (killer/murderer) cant enter in any cities--no potions, warehouse.
Attacker lose item(s) when defeated.
When died, respawn in battle arena.
*Attacker status should be real time. When you logout, then login after a few minutes/hour, attacker status aree still there.
12-07-06 09:57
silver_eyes: Yeah add the corpse game if you died your body or gear drop no one can get that only you By steping on place where you being killed hahaha thats fun
12-07-06 10:01
kenron347: Disagree on on/off button. If player wants to be an attacker, he risks everything in his pack. Zero timer for attacker. This encourages payback from other clanmates. Hail clan vengeance! I may not be able to protect clanmates, but i will avenge them! Lol. I suggest an attacked player can put bounty on the attacker's head like a gear or some credits too, and first to pk the attacker gets the bounty. Lol. Headhunting will be rampant then. xD
12-07-06 10:15