f3ar: Or... would it be possible 2 have multiple default spell sets? 1 for each class of potential atacker?
12-07-06 17:55
walker: i agree with clash

My vote a 5 star yeapyeap
12-07-06 18:59
tarzanx24: I dis agree on turn on and off on pvp coz many Turn off Their pVp mode and turn it on when they geT sTronger in That case you waiT many player To Turn on Their pvp, you wait almosT a year Thats so boring ...
12-07-06 19:01
chops: black dragon was a pvp from the start when we use to be a blue smiley face. And it should be now. Many of players have left due to the lack of pvp. I vote yes.
12-07-06 19:24
tarzanx24: I know many think that strong and high level can pvp low level and weak , no! High level can pvp only on aTtacker and on their level bracket
12-07-06 19:34
krixus: I like fears idea a lot.. Would defo agree with full pvp if those ajustments wer made so people could ajust spells or port.. I also like tarzans old idea of making battles follow spell spell attack attack.. Would really fix things
12-07-06 19:54