1) Let's go first with the bloody quest thing.... We were getting full reju potions gg ... U increased the potion price... You reduced the gold drops and u still had to put full rejus in quest ? Totally worthless rewards... The rewards we get from quest are so darned bad.... The recs you get are bad too. At lvl 80+ when you are equipped with lvl 100 gears you get recipes of lvl 60 gears . Whats the bloody use of it ?. What's the use of full rejus for those hunting ogre kings and others that deal 10kplus each hit ? . Totally worthless.
2) Now let's talk about the gold drops ... Here is the thing I went for the top ranks last round and ended up with #11 but I'm never doing that ever again. I'll just farm stuff sell them and earn creds never going to aim for the ranks ever . Why should I ? I worked my ass off to get in ranks and even at the end didn't have enough gold to buy lvl 80 pets since I can't get enough gold at all. I used god knows how much creds to make my lvl hydra reach top 10 pet still did . But godamn that gold rates are trash.
3) charms rate is so darned too ... I spent 3k wins to lvl up and then went to hunt mobs to get charms in 2k where I did one hit Kos on mobs in a lvl 70+ map I didn't get a single lvl ii charm... I bloody didn't get a single lvl ii charm the whole round .. what's the point of being at high lvls hunting stronger mobs when the drop rates just troll me over ? It would have been normal if it was a day or two or even three but whole round ? Cmon...
4) the title of the round should have been poor killer rich sucker round. You saw people using potions to hunt and you were like "wth that's unfair" and then next step you did is reduce ancient potions drop rate so much too I swear all you are saying is "If you aren't willing to invest credits get lost".
Well I listen and obey... -Salute- .... This soldiers going rogue sayonara.
23-07-20 20:10
Tohard get 12.5 million at 18 day hope will be normal or decrease only 1/3 from normal sell
23-07-20 14:27