Let's Talk About 15th Round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
subathran-svks: try to introduce spells like vigor for pally and give dex and endu or dex and dam bonus for assasins
15-03-22 09:18
cah_edan: make new increase addition of active skills for
druids protection 4 elements
such as paladins
15-03-22 08:37
kanetsugu: remove class bonus, critical bonus and shoots bonus. lol.

Clan size should be 15, clan boost & jewel boost dont work in pvp.
15-03-22 07:04
-moonlight-: 1) No D.A -good- , they should never be on s2, 1 diablo is ok since you gave 5 diablos last round, but 2 diablo's could stir up the competition?

2) remove rune lum and dragon crest reward, maybe top 10 players get rune death?
what about rune diablo?
+70 dex, str, wis maybe?

4) like -fubu- said, reduce clan size to 10 members, so more competition for cj -good-

4) 1:2 ratio of cred transfer and how it can be used is fair enough :)

5) upgrade pally and assasin gears?
pally class bonus is pretty cool, maybe they need a spell like vigor? but tht will make almost all class same.

6) bulk sale of stuff in mp, like 10x stam pot for 5c at once.

7) fix hp boost, rej pots n full rej pots cancels them, thats stupid -_-

8) necros need a wisdom boost by 3% every 5 levels, barbs needs a dex boost by 3% every 5 levels.

[!] are you going to reduce dragons prots this round too?

[!] regarding new exclusive s2 items, maybe u could add kalt quest amulets in s2 -rofl-

s2 should be atleast 1 month long, and what about the premium service regarding "dragon scroll crafting" update that you promised?

and make new lvl 120 titles swamp monster, fire hound, colosus etc
15-03-22 06:59
nrv: Isn't it a bit too soon to start a new round? We just got 5 diablos in a row.
No keep it fair.
As for Exclusive items in s2,i think we already have enough recipes and runes only available in s2.though i'd like to see lottery tokens over there.

As for the rewards,i'd like to suggest giving recipes of all lvl80 gear set of the players class if he or she makes it to top5 in class
For further updates,i'd like to suggest lvl100 weapon for all classes,which cant be worn by death angels (current ones can still be worn by
Assassins should be able to equip any two weapons nd their choice,but dual wielding two weapons that aren't originally dual wielding will reduce their armor by half
Paladins should be sturdy warriors and must leech their foes armor and temporarily add it to theirs at the rate of [(5) (lvl/5)]% each round,which will be taken away at the end of each battle.
Druids should have a new spell of strength similar to frost ring master,but having no elemental class-it will not be the strongest spell a druid can through but having no elemental class,prot wont work against it so strategical usage of it will benefit them

Necros should be given the ability to leech life in pvp also,and a new spell that is a combo of haste and weakness,but the strength of the spell will increase only very very slowly with his/her wisdom
Also i'd like to have the endurance stat upgraded as well.each endu point gives you 2 armor as well
15-03-22 05:29
-asmodeus-: please specify the rewards before the round starts, so players know what they are aiming for.
Assassins class didnot defeat a single wave because no player invested significantly in this class last round. otherwise assassin's are even better suited than necromancers to beat dragons -- they have wraith stike spell , slow --same as vigor and slow of necro-- but assassins have a crtiical hit bonus which is a major help in dragon hunt. so the reason why assassin didnot kill dragons is not because they are weak, it because no player significantly invested on this class last round.

i agree, the paladin class needs major updates.

i disagree about druid class - this particular 'non-premium- class has 100% wisdom bonus plus ability to cast 75% spells. THATS a very powerful combo in s2. a well buit druid is not easy to defeat.

necros do need some minor update -considering its a premium class and still less suited than barbarian (non premium) to beat dragons .

about the credit transfered - why cant they be used in marketplace? since there will anyway be a cap limit on total credit transferable, perhaps they should be allowed to be used as normal creds?? :)
15-03-22 05:19
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