Server #2 Entrance Cost?
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yom: charge for entrance keys. anyone who hasn't learned how to raise credits by selling magic scrolls. legendary ingredients or even Dragon Easter eggs in market place should stay in s1 and learn the game before advancing to s2. there are big prizes given away so of course there should be a charge to play. also by charging it will limit the amount of chrs people make giving a fairer place in rankings.
15-03-26 06:29
plat: Lvl 100 up get free key s2 premium, free clas paladin, barbarian, necro, druid, amazon, assasin
15-03-26 10:55
exeggcutor: my personal opinion prices should vary
according to the player level,
and what benifits player
receives . If player will pay more for entrence key he/she should receive diamond frenzy mode with it if users uses free key whey dont get any bonus benifits . But whey pay entrence key cost whey should recieve benifits
15-03-26 17:25
135792468: I think they should stay the same as last provided a challange because there were so many players. it also made players strive harder to get on the leader board
15-03-26 19:21
-silver_angel-: the free key requirment for premium chars should be lv80
15-03-26 22:03
-depok-: lv.100 premium
lv.90 no
15-03-26 23:01
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