chops: black dragon was a pvp from the start when we use to be a blue smiley face. And it should be now. Many of players have left due to the lack of pvp. I vote yes.
12-07-06 19:24
tarzanx24: I dis agree on turn on and off on pvp coz many Turn off Their pVp mode and turn it on when they geT sTronger in That case you waiT many player To Turn on Their pvp, you wait almosT a year Thats so boring ...
12-07-06 19:01
walker: i agree with clash

My vote a 5 star yeapyeap
12-07-06 18:59
f3ar: Or... would it be possible 2 have multiple default spell sets? 1 for each class of potential atacker?
12-07-06 17:55
f3ar: The announcement that someone is atacking would also give the neutral player the chance to teleport if he wanted 2 avoid the confrontation.
12-07-06 17:43
f3ar: I would like 2 be able 2 see who my atacker is before i am able to choose my defensive spell set. Default spell sets are impossible 2 use effectivly. If i am set for a Druids atack and am then ataked by a barb, i stand no chance. I think a message should be sent 2 the neutral player in a battle with the information of who his atacker is and his class. then the neutral player has 45 seconds to choose his defense spell set. And diablos can only atack diablos from an offensive (atacker) standpoint. However they could be atacked by a normal player. There is no way 2 defend against that many spell choices. No wearing gear loss 4 the neutral player. However a 10% chance of wearing gear loss 4 the atacker? After all he is the agressor. Pvp in arenas should remain the same. A lvl 30 requirement 4 pvp should be inforced 2 give new players a chance to learn their chr's abilitys.
12-07-06 17:39