teeta: 1st: Shade is not a thing of the past, it is still running.
2nd: Shade hasn't run for 20 years. It started in about 2001.
12-07-08 22:49
clash: Shade was not ruined by pvp as a matter of fact pvp is why shade lasted 20 years. Unheard of in mmorpg game. Capcom killed shade by no updates
12-07-08 22:28
deathgrin: and before u can revenge th0s who kill u or attack u must turn it on also ur pvp..
those who bec0me a killer/attacker they cann0t turn it off ther pvp until 1hr or 2,3,4 m0re killing on peace m0de, m0re hours , s0 every0ne can hunt th0se killer
12-07-08 21:31
deathgrin: on/off pvp is g0od,..
off pvp/peace mode..
if s0me0ne attack the player that in off or peace m0de they become killer/attacker
on/pk m0de
if s0meone attack that in on / pk m0de just n0thing
bef0re u can attack the player even if they are in peace m0de u must turn it on ur pvp
base on other game crystal saga

i like that,..
12-07-08 21:22
deathgrin: i disagree on tarzan/clash's sugesti0n about gear drop on the same place where they killed/died,, selfcenterd,. we kn0w already that,. we are n0t the same cp, c0nection and cp br0wser's we used,.. imagine. if they died/killed and they must pick up ther gear in the same land., and they using crap cp sl0w c0necti0n and hung br0wsers bef0re they pick ther gear on that land., they get killed again and again,.. so the best cp and fast c0necti0n wins the sl0w c0nection l0se.,
12-07-08 21:04